Certified International Mediator(IMI)Accredited Mediator, Chartered Mediator, MCIArb
Lady Justice Joyce Aluoch, CBS, EBS, Trail Blazer (Rtd) Judge, Certified International Mediator (IMI), Accredited Mediator, Chartered Mediator, MCIArb. Prior to her post at the Hague as the First Vice- President of the International Criminal Court, she was a Court of Appeal, High Court judge and Magistrate, being the second woman in Kenya to have been appointed to the positions. Upon retirement from the bench, she successfully moved her legal profession to other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms, namely mediation and arbitration. She is a Certified International Mediator (IMI), Certified Advanced Mediator (CAM), Chartered Mediator and Accredited Mediator. She conducts mediations under the High Court Mediation program in Kenya, FIDA-Kenya, private as well as International and regional mediations. She is currently a member of the Judicial Reform Committee under the Peace Agreement known as the Revitalized (power sharing) Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan(R-ARCSS). The Agreement was to run up to February 2023, as the elections should have been conducted in December 2022, however, this did not happen as some key tasks under the Agreement had not been completed. In August 2022, parties signed another agreement, the “Agreement on the Roadmap to a Peaceful Democratic end of the Transitional Period of the Agreement. This is supposed to run until February 2025, but elections to be conducted in December 2024 in South Sudan. Judicial reforms are currently on going in South Sudan and the JRC team is busy undertaking public consultations in different States and Administrative Areas in South Sudan.
Exploring New Frontiers in Mediation, a Regional Analysis of Mediation as a Tool to Drive Competitive Global Business & Access to Justice