Judge of the High Court of Kenya
Justice Richard Mwongo was appointed a Judge of the High Court of Kenya in 2011. He is presently the Presiding Judge, Kerugoya High Court. He earned his LL. B from the University of Nairobi in 1986.From 1994, he practiced law through his firm R. M. Mwongo, Advocates, and then with Mwongo & Ngugi Advocates from 1999 to 2011, where he managed the firm’s non-contentious, commercial, procurement and arbitration practice. He also studied arbitration, and practiced both domestic and international arbitration from 1989 until his judicial appointment. In 2000, he was admitted a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb.); awarded Chartered Arbitrator status (C.Arb) In 2007; and placed on the International Register of Arbitrators (2010-2014). He had extensive teaching experience as an Approved Tutor and trainer in arbitration in several countries in Africa, in respect of all modules of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Courses. He was Awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award in ADR by Ciarb Kenya in the 2021 ADR Excellence Awards, He is a Chartered Arbitrator and Fellow.
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