Hon. Justice Fred Ochieng

Hon. Justice Fred Ochieng

Chairman Court Annexed Mediation, The Judiciary

Justice Fred Ochieng’ is a Judge of the Court of Appeal Kenya and a Certified Mediator. Prior to joining the Judiciary, he practiced as an Advocate for 16 years with specialty in Civil and Commercial Litigation. He has contributed immensely to successful initiatives in the Judiciary towards improved access to justice and has served as Presiding Judge of the Commercial and Tax Division of the High Court at Nairobi, Kakamega High Court, Kitale High Court and Kisumu High Court. He is currently serving as Judge of Appeal at Nakuru Law Court.. Justice Ochieng’ has also served in various elected leadership positions as President of the East African Magistrates and Judges Association (EAMJA) and President of the Kenya Judges and Magistrates Association (KMJA). He chaired the ADR Operational Committee that launched The Court Annexed Mediation Pilot Project in 2016 and is the current Chair of the Judiciary ADR Taskforce on Court Annexed Mediation. The Taskforce is mandated with developing the replication model for Court Annexed Mediation and is responsible for the national roll out of Court Annexed Mediation.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Nairobi Serena Hotel

Stream B

Exploring New Frontiers in Mediation, a Regional Analysis of Mediation as a Tool to Drive Competitive Global Business & Access to Justice