Hon. Justice Caroline Kendagor

Hon. Justice Caroline Kendagor

The High Court of Kenya

Hon. Caroline Kendagor is a Principal Magistrate with the Kenya Judiciary and the Vice President, Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association. She currently serves as a Mediation Registrar in the Court Annexed Mediation Secretariat, Nairobi, which oversees use of Mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism, under the umbrella of the Court. She is an Alumni of Moi University School of Law and is currently pursuing a Masters of Law at the University of Nairobi with an interest in Governance and Democracy. She was admitted to the Bar in 2006 and was in private practice prior to joining the Judiciary in 2010. Hon. Kendagor has participated in various initiatives in the Judiciary whose aim has been to improve access to justice and service delivery. She has served at Kakamega Law Courts and Family Division of the High Court, Nairobi as Deputy Registrar. She is a member of The International Association of Women Judges – Kenya Chapter and Peace Ambassadors Kenya, a registered national youth-led and youth-focused peace building and youth empowerment organization.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Nairobi Serena Hotel

Stream B

A Practical Assessment of Mediation Advocacy Skills